Youth Group

Opportunity Details:

Days of the Week: Wed, Sun

Praise: Praise God for our team of faithful leaders, and a youth group that's excited to learn and grow in their walk with Christ.

Prayer: As always, pray that our students would be filled with a knowledge of His will, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (Colossians 1). Pray that our leaders would also be growing in their walk with God, and in their sacrificial love for students. Pray for wisdom as we plan studies and events for the upcoming year. Pray for friends of students who might come to know Christ through attending youth group.

Current Needs: While we don't have an immediate need for more youth leaders, we are looking for parents who can help form a carpool rotation for youth group in the summer, especially since it will be a later end time. This may help some students come to youth group who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Contact Person: Jordan Hellwig

Contact Email: